
Some might think I'm crazy, but I am not. And to those of you who think I am your in for a big surprise. Because psychics are real and they live among you in everyday life. Vampires and vampire slayers and werewolves claim they do to. But I'm still trying to grasp onto that being real so I don't blame you.

About Me

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Basically just a normal teenage girl with hormones, except I can see ghosts, auras, get dejavu a lot, and can see labels like names or a certain subject in the distant future.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Overview of last couple weeks

Its March 20th 9:06 pm in California. Well if you couldn't tell by the blog name, i'm a psychic and no I'm not crazy. This is all real, all true. So here it goes.

I broke up with my boyfriend Taylor on our one month anniversary, told my Aunt Jackie I was a psychic, but the good part is she believes me and wants to hold a seance!, the play Thursday night (Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Im Veruca Salt) went swimmingly, the play Friday night sucked because our stagecraft crew messed up and flung purple paint in my eye which made us delay intermission and made me cry like a wuss. I dont like looking like a wuss FYI. My eye still burns from the paint, Taylor showed up to both nights of the play and the after party, I got an F on my math quiz, there are rats in my pantry (All the food! God dammit stupid rats!), my mother ran into Taylor's mom at Costco and when she got home told me she found out about us after I was crying from our breakup then gave me the birds and bees talk, my psychic visions are going wack which I have no control of, and I'm so sick of the worst month ever I'm ready to just.....stop caring.

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