
Some might think I'm crazy, but I am not. And to those of you who think I am your in for a big surprise. Because psychics are real and they live among you in everyday life. Vampires and vampire slayers and werewolves claim they do to. But I'm still trying to grasp onto that being real so I don't blame you.

About Me

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Basically just a normal teenage girl with hormones, except I can see ghosts, auras, get dejavu a lot, and can see labels like names or a certain subject in the distant future.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Advanced Math Class

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo math tutor was ok. He's not terrible but not amazing either. I don't know... I couldn't pick up any vibe from him really. He just seemed like a complete math geek and all he did was tutoring. Get this! He has every single test from like every school in the area and he books his whole week and weekend just for tutoring. Haahaha. Anyway FYI online PSI or ESP tests are complete BULL. Well there bull for my psychic abilities. There all the same, so go ahead and try em but I dont recommend it.

I think I told my mom a million times I'm psychic but she doesn't believe me. I think if I say it one more time she will hospitalize me. I tell her all the time I can't be in advanced math because of my abilities but all she does is push, push, push. It's kinda hard with numbers and shadows distracting ya in class. The numbers usually only tend to pop up in math I've noticed. Lately I've been noticing more shadows in class. They hold onto me and like I don't know if you will understand, but they give off this sad depressing energy. I'm also a psychic who gets attached to other peoples emotions. It's all very confusing.

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